Download the return of superman louise simonson
Download the return of superman louise simonson

download the return of superman louise simonson

Yes, it was action heavy, and yes there was an extended, multi-issue fight scene that tore up cities, destroyed gas stations and homes, and ended when the two combatants killed each other in one, final, explosive finale. To look at the DOOMSDAY storyline as a simple slugfest is missing the point of the story. And it wasn’t just the black bag or the arm band or the hype. At the risk of sounding like a baby boomer talking about Woodstock, if you were there, man, then you know it was a special time.

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The other audience is those that came in years, maybe decades later. One audience is made up of the people that were reading the books at the time of “The Death and Return of Superman” or started reading the Superman books because of some part of that grand saga. This special is interesting because it plays to two distinct audiences. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to it.

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So, if you came here to read a hard hitting review of this special then you came to the wrong place. My feelings for the books would wax and wane over the years but the comics that came out between 19 and the creative teams that worked on those books hold a special place in my heart.

download the return of superman louise simonson

I was sixteen years old back in November of 1992 and had been a faithful reader of the Superman titles for about five years and I would continue to be a faithful reader for several decades after that. That baggage is full with a combination of nostalgia and love of the Post-Crisis era of Superman in general and “The Death and Return of Superman” in particular. In the interest of full disclosure I am going to come clean right here at the start that while this review is going to be an honest assessment of this special, I am bringing some baggage with me. Scheduled to arrive in stores: November 8, 2022 The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special

Download the return of superman louise simonson